
Tarballing without any fuzz

Ok.. Here's a quickie.

> you get a tarball from github or some shit
> You: how extract? (insert confused oonga boonga here)
Dont be that guy!

# This is the actual command

# Extracting a tarball
tar xzf file.tar

# Creating a tarball
tar czf file.tar Folder

# This is how you remember (by becoming Ze German)

# Extracting a tarball
# tar Xtract Ze File file.tar
tar xzf file.tar

# Creating a tarball
# tar Create Ze File file.tar
tar czf file.tar Folder

If you want the verbose output as well, which you always want to have, the thing becomes

# Extracting a tarball
# tar Xtract Ze Vucking File file.tar
tar xzvf file.tar

# Creating a tarball
# tar Create Ze Vucking File file.tar
tar czvf file.tar Folder

Now open tarballs without doing tar --help